The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Significant Wow: Emily Cotterill, Seren

This first full-length collection by Cardiff-based poet Emily Cotterill follows on from her debut poetry pamphlet The Day of the Flying Ants published by Smith / Doorstop in 2019 which was selected by Carol Ann Duffy as part of the Laureate’s Choice series. Both deliver with a large dose of originality and wit keen observations on, among other things, celebrity culture, identity, place and small-t...

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Teesside poets say fond farewell to Smokestack

It was a foggy night on Teesside and a warm if slightly melancholy evening for the final farewell of Smokestack Books, which publisher Andy Croft closed for new titles last Christmas after 20 years. Poets that he has published gathered to pay tribute and to say thanks to an imprint that has gained a...

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‘We’ll be back …’: closing words of compere at Words on the Wall ‘finale’

All good things must come to an end – or at least, a pause, in the case of Hexham’s very popular poetry event Words on the Wall. There was an impressive turnout for what masterly compere Joe Williams ...

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Janus: Catherine Ayres, Indigo Dreams

Sometimes slim volumes open up much bigger worlds and pack a punch beyond 30 pages of text. The title and the cover of Janus suggest a gaze, both forward and backward. The structure of the book, thoug...

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