Adam Brown
Updated: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 12:24 am
I have been writing poetry for some 35 years and completed some 2,500+ poems totaling 15,000 pages of poetry. The numbers are merely a testament to my dedication to the written word.
De Polymeren az az Abszurd Krzykiem Sztuki, Или להרגיז את המיטה Diese Entarteten himmel Volgelingen ik zie maar niet hun plaats wonen; Followers I see but do not reside their place; Zalvende valt van de huid en vooruit is geschud Unctuous falls the skin and is shuffled ahead Catastrofaal op zorg gesneden geulen waarvan Catastrophically onto care carved gullies whose Vriendelijkheid gemalen keer water aan de zwakken. Kindness once milled water to the weak. Ott áll egy nő fia és a cipő, There stands a woman over son and shoes, Tárgyaláson sem, az ő végső, álmos suttogás. Hearing nothing of his final, drowsy whisper. Ehelyett, letérdelt a szivárgás a mellét, és Instead, she knelt the leak at his chest and Elmosódott a csendes semmis, Isten vagy a bosszú. Slurred a quiet void of god or revenge. Może być znaczna człowieka zajmują jej? Might there be a sizeable man to occupy her? Jako odpowiedź na jej ziarniste, jeśli dziane portret, As answer to her grainy if knitted portrait, Nic nie odbiega ustami wiązane ubezpieczeń. Nothing departs his knotted lips an assurance. Почему никто ее хлестать вне эту крышку пыли? Why does no one lash her out this lid of dust? Как это там нет окончательного завтра троса? How is there no definitive tomorrow tether? Над жирной дороги Ровиня мусор, который она ходил. Over oily roads teems a rubbish she has walked. אל תגיד שלה בחביבות צריך לדעת. Do not say she should have kindly known. ניתן לשטיפה בכל חמוצה ריק על ידי חדש. Every sour can be rinsed to blank by new. מדפים אפילו ירידה גברים שהייתה חמימות קצרה. Even ledges drop men who had a brief warmth. המפואר הוא חדר רק כמה האווז, אבל Palatial is a room only a few gander, though מאוחר יותר באותו הלילה הקש על אצבעות עץ חלושות, Later that night will tap fingers to wood feebly, הצהבה מעל יהירות של המושיע ספוגה זו. Yellowing over this drenched savior’s conceit. Dunkel ließ er seinen Platz in unseren. Darkly he dropped his pitch into ours. Irrenden Sturm Wände über feine Schuppen ein Auge, Erring tempest walls over subtle sheds an eye, Den Fluch des gemeinsamen Höflichkeit beim Angriff Attacking the curse of common civility while Bewohner der Marke Band als entscheidend müssen. Denizens of brand band as decisive must. Vom Aussterben bedrohte die Frau sofort. Endangered becomes the woman immediately. Noch würde die acht, die Ledger Milliarden uns Nor would the eight who ledger billions us Erfüllen Sie uns mit sogar Eimer für Mops und wringen. Satisfy us with even pail for mops and wring. Urgently I often veer the leeward bloom of love of family, peace. Sacrilege now how each will blunder down to his licked to bitter fleece. such yowl, such yawp… Considered Friday, January 20th, 2017; completed sometime thereafter, January 2017 * De Polymeren es holandés para "Los polímeros"; az az Abszurd es Húngaro para "de un absurdo”; Krzykiem Sztuki es polaco para "arte chillando"; или es ruso para "o"; להרגיז את המיטה es hebreo para {"Mear la cama", a}, y diese entarteten himmel es el alemán para "estos cielos degenerados (cielos)” _________________________________________________________________________________________ * De Polymeren is Dutch for “The Polymers”; az az Abszurd is Hungarian for “of an absurdly”; Krzykiem Sztuki is Polish for “shrieking art”; или is Russian for “or”; להרגיז את המיטה is Hebrew for {to} “Piss the Bed”, and diese entarteten himmel is German for “these degenerate heavens (skies)”
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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