Ana Blackwell
Updated: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 10:11 pm
Just writing stuff to be writing ✋
I thought I'd write one for you today, A sweet poem, the sweetest I'd say. As pure as as the virgin, As true as the tale. As beautiful as you look to me, Everyday and every night. Where did I find you ? I may never know and I may might. I'd do it for you love, I'd do it for your sweet kisses, your little whispers in my ear, Your breath on my neck and hand rumbling through my hair. I'd do it for the way you look at me and the way you hold me down, I'd rather be lost nowhere but in your eyes, for they are the deepest of all, brown. Don't say you'll be here,forever around, For I'll be heartbroken without even whimpering a sound. Don't tell me you mean it, every word , every touch, I'll become crazy, crazier without your voice, your sweet smell ..it'd be too much. Yes it all will come crashing down, your kisses shattered, your voice , lost or unheard, your face, now a stranger... But hey hon, I'll be here and I'll take you all in, cause you've been inside these thoughts for too long to resist, to deny. Honey, don't forget to kiss me goodbye , Maybe because in that moment I'll find little pieces of you to again live by.
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