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Anna John

Updated: Sat, 15 May 2021 07:22 am

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Born in India, Like to unleash poetry....

The Pandemic

The World is spinning around With images of funeral pyres and cries of near and dear ones! It’s a pandemonium People searching beds Lying in front of hospitals The helpless look on the man Gasping for breath. The numbed minds of children who lost their parents The uncertainty in the minds Of single parents who lost their dear one! It's too painful to bear Unless we go through it. The laughter in families have Come to a standstill, Where they are silenced By death's knell. Are we to face more of threats? Or is it going to end? - The one question in all minds. The kids who lost their precious time with friends The time they will now cherish Would regret the unnecessary fights made in the past. Oh! What our Mother Earth is witnessing! Her children suffering! The medical regimen spending hours Trying to treat the patients As much as they can! Depleted of energy they sigh! Sometimes proud of their own role In saving lives But at other times seeing patients Dying, just in front of them. And the numbers are huge. The only little light at the end Is Hope with its wings!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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