The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Chiari Warrior Soldier

Updated: Sat, 3 Nov 2018 10:41 pm


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Hello first off!! I am Deadly Sinful Witch I am 38 year's old I do write short stories, novels, romantic love stories and erotic fantasies,erotic stories,erotic poems,erotic poetry... And I am fighting survivor with my rare brain disease which is a daily battle for me and I love life and all the people in it and I've been told for year's since high school that people loved the way I use my words because they was smooth flowing and delightful, joyful like me... And I'm here to write and read others post that's it... ALSO I AM A WIFE AND I AM A MOTHER AND I SPEND MY FREE TIME WRITING BUT MY FAMILY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO ME AND THEN MY WRITING IS IMPORTANT TO ME AND I AM A CHIARIAN BATTLING THE FIGHT OF MY LIFE BECAUSE I HAVE A RARE BRAIN DISEASE AND BASICALLY MY BRAIN IS TOO BIG FOR MY SKULL IT CAUSES A LOT OF OTHER SYMPTOMS IT CAUSES A LOT OF SICKNESS PAIN... IT CAUSES BLURRED VISION RINGING IN YOUR EARS NAUSEA VOMITING PALPITATIONS OF THE HEART IT CAUSE DIZZINESS SLEEP APNEA IT CAUSES VERTIGO AND IT ALSO CAUSES SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS AND LONG TERM MEMORY LOSS AND IT'S HEREDITARY IN FAMILIES YOU CAN BE A CARRIER AND NOT EVEN KNOW IT AND NOT SUFFER ANY SYMPTOMS WHILE BEING A CARRIER THEN YOU COULD BE A CARRIER EXPERIENCING EVERY SYMPTOM WITH CHIARI AND WE GET CHIARI WHILE BEING INSIDE OF OUR MOTHER'S WOMB AND IT CAUSES BAD MOOD SWINGS THAT WE CANNOT CONTROL EVEN THOUGH WE TRY SO HARD TO CONTROL THEM BUT IT'S KIND OF HARD TO DO BECAUSE OF WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR BRAIN WELL THAT'S A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT ME Please note I don't deal with being harassed or bullied by no one because I've been there so has family that was on the other site there and I will not partake in it here because I'm to sick to do so thanks and that's not to much to ask to respect my wishes correct! I am a woman who loves to write and share it with others while battling a rare brain disease called Arnold Chiari Malformation Disease which has no cure yet and I write a little bit of everything poetry, poems,quotes,memes,stories about every day thing's and life experiences,love,living and also my rare brain disease chiari


{The Love In My Heart} The love in my heart was put there to stay and love isn't love until you give it away and if that love decides to leave you, you must set it free to see if it will one day will come back to thee and if it does it was always meant to be and if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be ©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/ Tina Glover all rights reserved 11/29/2017 {Time To Move On} It's time to move on from everyone and everything in my life It has been fun, crazy, hurtful, desirable, painful, filled with more ? heart break than I am willing to keep suffering with you or anyone else on this planet But it was a pleasure now it's time to go M.I.A. {missing in action} ©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/07/2017 all rights reserved {She's Beautiful} She's beautiful She's smart She's my best friend She's my only love of my life She's the mother of our beautiful children But she always think's she's not that beautiful though because of her sickness but her sickness makes her more beautiful to me and all but she is the most definitely sexiest woman alive no matter what everyone one else may see or think because she is and will always be and she's always been my queen and I will lose my composure if she ever decide to leave my side no matter if that's through death because I will die without her and she's always running through my dreams until I finally catch her my country queen ©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written on May 26,2017 but posting here on 12/13/2017

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (16099)

Wed 29th Aug 2018 17:12

fight on warrior fight on!!!!!

<Deleted User> (16099)

Thu 17th May 2018 17:36

and I miss so many things about you..but it is our conversations and your insights on my poems that I miss the most..all my prayers are with you...

Big Sal

Wed 16th May 2018 23:00

Keep up the strength.?

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 11th May 2018 18:18

where have you gone and when are you coming back?

<Deleted User> (16099)

Wed 11th Apr 2018 18:18

you have disappeared again just know that My thoughts and prayers are with you.....,

<Deleted User> (13740)

Wed 21st Mar 2018 22:00

Tina love your writing, xxxx

<Deleted User> (16099)

Mon 8th Jan 2018 16:40

I wish you a glorious new year and all of the blessing it will bring..

<Deleted User> (17847)

Tue 12th Dec 2017 16:37

Hi, Tina and a warm welcome to you brave lady.Thanks so much for liking 'swimming with loan sharks'. Yes, your writing is certainly free flowing and delightful-keep it up! I sincerely hope you can get better and as soon as possible.

Enjoy your time on here and I look forward to more of your poems. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and yours.

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Phillip Kelly

Sun 10th Dec 2017 16:52

You have a very unique style that very different to mine....i have to write poetry to a set stucture form... But yours is like free verse.... But very effective in portraying emotion... I wish i could write in yoir poetic style.... Also... I too have a form of brain disease and write erotica

Big Sal

Fri 8th Dec 2017 02:38

Thanks again for the kind words, it's always appreciated. If you haven't done so already, you should consider compiling all of your poetry into an anthology some day, I bet it'd make a pretty great book.

Big Sal

Thu 30th Nov 2017 03:22

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

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