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Updated: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 11:41 pm

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I am a person who finds joy in writing, words jumbling around like quiet lightning. Being outside finding signs which I should write about, some to search others easy to catch my eye, I dance around mounds as I hike and bike, I get a spike in doing what I like! Ask me some get to know me I will try not to be boring. Stay Cool, Dance on, Write even after the sun is gone, Chris


Cloth which Happiness Bought Biking around, the wondrous mounds, my thoughts become unbound, by a podcast sound. I hear much of the world fashion forlorn a cape born. Why is this worn with blood yet not torn. I wear for my neck will now not be bear, I usually get glances and stares. I honestly have little care, I am who I am and that's how I stand. Hiking many wear it for, many wear it to wipe their pores. I fortunately found it for a few dollars in a store. Memories threaded and woven in, a discoloration situation. No solution needed for the time of adventure travels installments, with interested babble. It's amazing what they've seen, sometimes memories come back at the smell, more than a simple cloth. a dialog, a log of each bog. Bogged down moments it's seen it all easily found I have many creating a crowd. Quiet and profound, hear the silent tale of the bandna still somewhat loud!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Profile image Alexandra K. Parapadakis

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