The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Craig Wilson

Updated: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 05:07 pm

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Hi! My name is Craig Wilson and I own a publishing, recording and events business called high performance poetry that has been running since 2005 when I recorded my spoken word album The Globe project Vol.1 in Exeter. I was born in Bristol but grew up in Worcestershire where I began writing poetry and short stories at the age of 15 after discovering Jim Morrison and The Doors! I attended Liverpool John Moores University in the late nineties studying Geography and graduated unofficially from the University of the West of England in 2006! I have performed my poetry live in Bristol since 2002 and I have been a regular contributor to Acoustic Night. In 2006 I launched myself on MySpace and in 2007 my recordings appreared on the internet for the first time. In early 2008 my track Ego Death with music by HB Clayton of Blind Truth studios was aired on BBC radio Bristol Uncovered and a new album mixing performance poetry and music is due for release in the spring of 2008. I have also published 7 poetry collections under the High Performance Poetry banner and I have recieved excellent assistance via the Princes Trust and The Hatchet public house in Bristol where 2 of my poems are on display.


LIFE JACKET A language in words, Poetry is the key to my thoughts And the evidence for how hard I fought, For my right to explain my actions, As actions rarely speak louder than words. In a world that seeks power, In a world that tramples on flowers, In a world that promotes growth For those who only live at the top. Whilst our cousins in impoverished lands, Seek the food in which to survive, Prosper in there own minds, To feel for the very first time And scream – ALIVE! To run and run in the face of the sun and screaming, To return and return, but there only dreaming, Waiting for the ring and be there believing, Waiting for the moon to release its solitary ray of hope and seething, At words At actions In time and now static, Still, Slowing down to nothing. Thinking, something… I HEAR NOTHING BUT SILENCE! Within this sea of vacant thoughts And what for when you smash in that door, Freeing the remains of an argument lost But not forgot from so many moons, How can they or I return to a past that had been shot to pieces so long ago? Staring at you Believing in you, What to do when the blame is left on you, Is it true? Jumping for a life jacket in a sea of sharks, Baying for the blood from the skin it shall soon puncture, The life jacket lies there dormant, Only gentle waves to disturb its non-movement. A device without purpose for its only recipient has been taken away, The food of sharks, Man-eaters whose actions speak louder Than the words they fail to speak, For their only language is survival by violence, The violence for life – In a place where human words, Holds not a candle, Extinguished in the sea, Where the life jacket drifts into the dark.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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