The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dave Pitt

Updated: Wed, 30 May 2018 09:28 pm


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I'm a West Midlands based performance poet, playwright and author. Performances tend to be a rollercoaster of laughs, emotions and sharp turns.


His name is Bob And he's lost his job Ergo his situation ain't very good. He would work all the hours god sends Even at weekends And never got paid what he should Bob was a hospital porter With two young daughters And a wife whose a classroom TA She gets okay money But without being funny It won't keep the wolves at bay Bob's job was lost When his stuck up boss Wasted money on a dodgy deal Boss should have gone to jail But justice is for sale So his crimes were successfully concealed. Bob is a great porter And that really ought ta Get him a job easily But poor Bob is stuck And he's out of luck Because he can't write a good CV It’s weird how so much depends On that A4 lens Because it's only a piece of paper And let's be honest No one is astonished When truth on a CV is vapour No one checks Bob’s ability Or even his compatability With the advertised vacancy So they just accept That Bob is inept Because of his poor CV But writing a CV Isn't the vacancy So why is he judged on that skill? Bob was a hospital porter With a wife and two daughters And he's just opened another bill The worry and the stress Leave Bob in a mess And he tries to get some assistance But the guy at the dole Who hasn't got a soul Gives him nothing but resistance Bob is told straight That it's too late And this is his last opportunity And Bob fails again To make the grain It drives him to lunacy Sick, depressed and tired That he can't get hired Bob takes his own life Bob was a hospital porter He leaves two young daughters And a heartbroken wife

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Dave Pitt

Internet, I've Lost My Faith in You (30/05/2018)

Tattooed Bride (04/02/2017)

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