The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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David Subacchi

Updated: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:15 pm

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David Subacchi was born in Aberystwyth into a family representing two separate periods of Italian immigration to Wales. His mother’s father Giuseppe (Joe) Chiappa came to Wales in 1913 as a fifteen year old from the North of Italy quickly learning both Welsh and English. His father Mario Subacchi in later life a gifted and well known woodcarver arrived in the same town in 1947 following military service in Africa in both the Italian and British armies. It was the death of David’s father in 2011 that inspired him to begin writing poetry seriously. David’s obituaries for his father appeared in The Guardian, The Independent and The Catholic Herald as well as various Welsh Language publications such as Golwg and Y Cymro. Retirement from his ‘day job’ provided the boost to increase his already prodigious output of poetry mainly in English but increasingly in Welsh also. David quotes his main poetic influences as Wales, Italy and Liverpool, the city he says he fell in love with and has maintained a love affair with to this day. Many of his poems tell the story of his Italian roots through the violence and struggles of warfare and the immigrant life in a new country. Others are dominated by his upbringing and experiences in the seaside town of Aberystwyth in the 1960s and his revisiting of the town in search of the inspiration that it continues to provide. In the same way the history of Liverpool is told including its politics, sporting heroes and seafaring background. David now lives in North Wales close to Liverpool and the English border. This proximity to England and English influences is another provider of inspiration and features frequently in the themes of his poetry. David is a member of numerous poetry groups in the UK and internationally and he performs his work frequently at live and recorded spoken word events and on other suitable occasions. David has five published poetry collections in English: ‘First Cut’ (2012) ‘Hiding in Shadows’ (2014), 'Not Really a Stranger' (2016) and 'Where is Wales?' (2019) are published by Cestrian Press. 'A Terrible Beauty - 17 Sonnets for Easter 1916' (2016) is published by DCS Books. He has also been published in numerous on line and hard copy poetry magazines and has contributed to several anthologies. On 1 March 2017 Gwasg Caer (Cestrian Press) published David's first collection of poems in the Welsh Language 'Eglwys Yng Nghremona' (A Church in Cremona). Selected Publications: First Cut, Poetry Collection by David Subacchi (Cestrian Press, 2012) Hiding in Shadows, Poetry Collection by David Subacchi (Cestrian Press, 2014) Not Really a Stranger, Poetry Collection by David Subacchi (Cestrian Press, 2016). A Terrible Beauty, 17 Sonnets for Easter 1916, Poetry Collection by David Subacchi (DCS Books 2016). Eglwys Yng Nghremona (A Church in Cremona), poems in the Welsh Language by David Subacchi (Gwasg Caer - Cestrian Press 2017). Where is Wales? Poetry Collection by David Subacchi (Cestrian Press, 2019). Contributed to: Spaces: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press, 2012) The Bards: 2012 Anthology (The Bards, Editors S Regan and D Costello) Cats: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Pres, 2013) Life Begins: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press, 2014) Make Time for Aberystwyth: MA Anthology (Aberystwyth University, 2014) Last Bench: Anthology (Antivirus Production Editor Tanvir Ratul, 2014) New Era: Anthology (Voicebox, Wrexham 2014). Live from Worktown: Anthology from Bolton Poets (2014) Lark Skies A Celebration of WW1 Poets: (Cestrian Press,2015) The Poetry of Staffordshire: Anthology (Offa's Press, 2015 - Editors Emma Purshouse and Simon Fletcher). Objects in the Rear View Mirror: Anthology (Kind of a Hurricane Press, 2015 - Editors A J Huffman and April Salzano). Inspired by Gandhi: Anthology (Sampad, Birmingham, 2015, Editors Anne Cockitt and Geoff Barnbrook). Live from Worktown: Anthology from Bolton Poets (2015). Wordland 6. Black is the new Black: Anthology (Exaggerated Press UK, 2015 Editor Terry Grimwood). Barddoniaeth Saith Seren / 7 Stars of Poetry: Anthology (Saith Seren - Wrecsam 2015, Editors Bob Gaffey and Ifon Jones). Counterpoints: Anthology from the R S Thomas Competition 2015 (Barry A Thomas - Editor Joy Neal). Sunlight Poems: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2016). Unheard: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2016). A Grain of Sand - MA Anthology (Aberystwyth University 2016). Last Bench: Anthology (Antivirus Production Editor Tanvir Ratul, October 2017) Angels in the Hedgerow: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2017). Responses: Anthology from the R S Thomas Competition 2017 (Barry A Thomas - Editor Anita Major). Out Of The Ark: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2018). Last Bench: Literary Magazine (Antivirus Production Editor Tanvir Ratul, June 2018) The Quality of Mersey Anthology (Barry Woods - 2018) Live from Worktown: Anthology from Bolton Poets (2018). Fragile Things: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2019). Worktown Words: Anthology 1 (Preeta Press Ltd 2020). Masks : Anthology 7 from Live From Worktown (2021). We All Have Paths: Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2021). Love From Worktown: Anthology 8 from Live From Worktown (2022). Full Circle : Anthology from Chester Poets (Cestrian Press 2023). Other published credits include: United Kingdom Amble, The Merseysider, Aberystwyth Ego Magazine, Ink Sweat & Tears, Allegro Magazine, Poetry Scotland Open Mouse, Poetry Cornwall, Creative Connections, Methodist Modern Art Collection Newsletter, Bunbury Magazine, Writers for Calais Refugees, Exaggerated Press, North End Writers, Poetic Feet, Preech Poetry, Prole Magazine, Ceredigion Museum, Grosvenor Museum, Poetry 24, Country & Border Life, Oranges & Lemons (London), The Fringe Poetry White Book, Planet Slop Fiction, The Stares Nest, Bolts of Silk, Wrexham Write Now, Yr Angor, Nene, Y Clawdd, The Scottish Mental Health Art and Film Festival International Writers Competition 2015 (Finalist), The Blue Nib Literary Magazine, Celebrating Change and Confluence Magazine. USA Anti Heroin Chic, Indiana Voice Journal, McNeese Review, The Horror Zine, Right Hand Pointing, A Kind of Hurricane Press, Grey Wolfe Publishing, Dead Snakes, Camel Saloon, Mad Swirl, Leaves of Ink, Pyrokinection, Jellyfish Whispers, Crab Fat Magazine, New Verse News, Shot Glass Journal, Inner Sins, Plum Tree Tavern, L’Allure Des Mots, Synchronised Chaos , Napalm and Novocain, Damfino Press, The Ghazal Page, Silkworm, Wild Cherry and Texans with Disabilities Pen 2 Paper Competition 2015 (Finalist), Unrequited Love Anthology 2016, Tuck Magazine, Corvus Review, Silver Birch Press - Learning to Drive Anthology, Compass Magazine, Litbreak Magazine, Unrequited Love Anthology, Draw Near, Yellow Chair Review, Lost Sparrow Press, Highland Park Poetry, Ohio, Three Line Poetry, The Nassau Review, Thema, Treehouse Arts Magazine, River Poets Journal, Scryptic Magazine, Brave New World, Poets In Love Golden Shovel Poem Competition 2018 (International Poet Category Winner), Ariel Chart Literary Magazine (Nominated July 2018 for Best of The Net Award), Patchwork Magazine, Minnie's Diary and Light Journal. Australia Ancient Heart Vagabond Press Bangladesh Bonsai Journal Canada Lantern Magazine Scarlet Leaf Magazine Asses of Parnassus Poetry Pacific Holland Amsterdam Quarterly India Frangipani Press Italy Valceno Web Japan Vagabond Press Malta Malta Independent Zambia New Ink Review


GIOVANNI He used to push the ice cream truck through town ageing legs straining with the effort head bowed, seldom speaking, his English wasn’t perfect Selling cornets on the seafront skin tanned the colour of leather by reflected sunlight “two pints a day” my father said, “like clockwork, he’s nearly eighty, his English isn’t perfect” Old Giovanni, not an object of pity but an inspiration to us all, a survivor, defying time, carrying on regardless and enjoying his beer who cares if his English wasn’t perfect? (c) David Subacchi

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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keith jeffries

Thu 6th Apr 2017 15:09

Hello David, Giovanni is a tribute to many bold hard working people who made a lasting impression on many others. Thank you. Keith

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Harry O'Neill

Fri 3rd Feb 2017 22:11

I see red lines scored through the name Chester Poets
in the gigs section for the date 23rd February...Has that night been altered - -or cancelled - for any reason?

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David Subacchi

Sun 1st May 2016 11:15

Hi Fatima,

'What Is It' is my poem and was published on line by 'Writers for Calais Refugees' on 26 October 2015.

The poem says it all.

Thank you for liking it.



Fri 29th Apr 2016 13:14


I am a student studying the refugee crisis and I have read a poem I believe that you have written called "What is it". Will you please share your views on the influx of refugees into Europe?

Thank you very much

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David Subacchi

Tue 25th Sep 2012 00:04

You can catch more of my work including videos by searching on SUBACCHI+POEM.

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Poets Corner

Wed 29th Aug 2012 17:20

Nice one English isn't perfect either but 'Old Giovanni' sounds great for nearly eighty matey? (A True Survivor)...
Bellisima Poem...Multo beni David...

(I have entered 'Edge Of Town' as your PC Entry...but you can submit others...just remember you must enter 'PC' in 'the tag bar' at the bottom of your poem for future entries ok?

Cheers Gray ;-)

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 20th Aug 2012 18:49

Hi David - a very warm welcome to WOL. Good to see you've posted a poem on the blogs section already. Giovanni - a really nice light touch to your work.

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