The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Diana Aldabergenova

Updated: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:05 am

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Hello everybody! My name is Diana, I am a young poet that is interested in poetry and English literacy. I am a polyglot that speaks five languages: Russian, French, English, Kazakh, and a little bit of Spanish. For physical activity, I dance sport and I am an artistic person that is obsessed with coffee and sees everything from a different perspective.

Last signs of life

Last signs of life Silence filled up the whole room and the only sound I could hear was her last breath. No one spoke a word, we were silent and we just stared at each other. After every second passed, I felt more attracted to her, it wasn’t love, it was something stronger than love. I fell in love with her not because of the soft personality not because of her precious gorgeous lips! Her eyes, her eyes grabbed my feelings that were hidden deep inside me. Yes, there is a deceptive appearance and deceptive facial expressions, but eyes never lie. It’s the mirror of our souls! Her eyes represent the clear blue sky. Her eyes carry love, loyalty and life. Her eyes hold the purest riches, that will enchant any eye. Her eyes are the reason why I am still alive. After every second passed, I felt more attracted to her, it wasn’t love, it was something stronger than love. I can hear that her last breath is fading away. I can see that the life in her eyes is disappearing. I can feel the coldness of her body. My head is on fire. Litres of sweat is dripping on the floor. With a blink of an eye, her body loses its color. She is gone and dead means gone forever.

3 things in common

There are an abundance types of people Starting from simple and ending with complex Some people have a gift to see a Rigel And we all have a different rival There is a contrast between our perspectives. We dissimilar, a quiet, reflective We define words, in many different settings. And for all of us, there is a unlike ending Besides. What connects us? This is a question of the day! The question that trembles me every day. What are the things that link 7 billion people? Chapter 1: Time. Time is one of the most valuable piece in our life It’s limited and it never waits for you. Time, Never waits when you finish Arguing. Time, Never waits when you are sitting aimlessly. We must spend time graciously. What are the things that link 7 billion people? Chapter 2: Fear Only fear destroys our inner-world. It grabs our souls in a nefarious way And it thrusts us every day It drags and draws us, to the darkest point And swallow us, leading us to the endpoint What are the things that link 7 billion people? Chapter 3: Death In our story, we will touch so many precious things and we will recall memorable moments in our life’s. As the time will pass, we won’t notice how we will thrive. However... Life doesn't guarantee us anything, except death. There will be a time when we will have our last breath. These are the things that link 7 billion people.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 2nd Mar 2021 18:26

Thank you very much for your kind comment about my poems. Glad you like them! ?
And welcome to WOL & I look forward to reading more of your stuff! ?

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