The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dusty- Kennedy

Updated: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 07:58 pm

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I have been writing for years but until recently kept it secret. I took a chance and entered a competition - and i won. Since then people ask me to write poems for them. It's nice to be out of the closet. Currently writing my first novel though my head is bursting with ideas for books. Retired horse whisperer (listener). Enjoying an easy pace by the beautiful Irish Sea. I forgot to mention, though i doubt it's of any relevance, that i am blind, not completely but almost. i like to paint which always amuses people and i have added a few paintings just to add a bit of colour to my profile.


This is a poem about the scatty but sweet little old lady who lives next door to my brother. The places are places near by where i grew up and things i remember. “DOTAGE” by Helen D. Kennedy I’ve always been a “dippy” girl Muddled and confused., Adorably forgetful, Befuddled and bemused. And now I’m in my “dotage”, Confusion will ensue. I remember fifty years ago, But I don’t remember you. I remember childhood parties, Rock pooling on the shore, I recall tall tales on daddy‘s lap Ponies, dogs galore. I remember summer sports days And Pickie in the rain, I recall the old time dancing, And all the songs from “Fame” I remember all my school friends, (often wonder where they are) I remember trigonometry And I remember our first car. And now I’m in the kitchen, (I really don’t know why). (I came in here for something), I’ll remember if I try. Did I tell you I’m forgetful? NO, I’m not a silly cow, I’ve gained amazing memories, Just loss he here and now.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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