The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Edie Hope

Updated: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 02:28 pm

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Actor, dreamer, scrawler. My poems usually sound bitter and frustrated or sentimental and cliche. They are usually just streams of consciousness. An expression. I'm not particularly trying to be any good. But if you enjoy. It's nice to share isn't it.


Let me talk to you of a love affair. . . Not one where food is consumed and empty pauses fill the room One where stomachs growl as silence howls with fervent content Nor one in which you’re constantly conscious of being an irritable bitch But one where you forget and step outside yourself and everyone else There’s those who tell their Mum that you are now one or something of that sum 
And ones that never become a number on a page 
It doesn’t get to that stage. . . Those ones that make you safe and secure and still and simple Or those that burst and bubble out your fingers t0 serenade the keys Not one where you sleep when nature says it is time to do so But eyelids are prized And pupils are dry because sleep is for the stale

 There’s those who wrinkle their nose when you lick your fork at dinner
(If we were with my family you would not impress my mother) And those who are the crumbs left in the butter tub 
and the slurping of your tea and the biscuits you dip for that little too long and don’t resent your haste or greed “Nothing is good; I see, without respect” EVERYONE'S A WRITER THESE DAYS... Everyone's a writer These days Poet, playwright, scripted scrawler 5am, cigarette, red wine bawler Everyone's a writer These days It's the craze or just a phase I don't know But it seems knee deep in the linen of our lives And the answer to any creative without a clue who doesn't know what to do Or who rides the wave in a depndent haze of the ones who script our days when they have money to pay us The answer to everything. I'm not auditioning Why don't you write? I think I may have a comic streak Why don't you write a sketch or two? I haven't a clue what to do with my life Why don't you write? Someone else is sleeping with my wife Why don't you write? I want to make something but I'm not sure what Why don't you write? I feel so damn inspired Why don't you write? I want to take hold, take control, be centrefold and have a voice Why don't you write? I can't sleep at night Why don't you write? I think I'm good at rhyming but I aint no rapper and when I speak in public my accent gets crapper Why don't you write? And I don't wish to sound trite But just because you read a play once or have been to the Royal Court Or you live in east London Or know that Charlotte had a sister and Sylvia penned of her father Or you live on an estate and your Dad doesn't love your mother You got bullied at your school or played the fool You wear Nike Airs Unaware of any irony Or you simply want to pave your own way It doesn't mean you should write a play But who am I to say. It may sound bitter, hypocritical and somewhat trite But yes, perhaps Everyone should write.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


Note: Showing events from 12 years ago.

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London » ( Doors Open 6.30pm, Show from 8.00pm)

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Fri 11th Jul 2014 11:16

Some great lines:
'sleep is for the stale'
'knee deep in the linen of our lives'

I like the frustration - it comes through!!

<Deleted User> (11485)

Sat 5th Oct 2013 16:58

Like this poem, and its truthfulness, very much.

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Wed 29th May 2013 10:34

I like your Love poem very emotive, welcome)

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th May 2013 17:17

Hi Edie - welcome to WOL. Hope to see more on your profile page and some poems soon :)

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