The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Elizabeth Faitarone

Updated: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 04:39 pm


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From Buenos Aires, moved to the UK in June 1995. My writing has been published in many anthologies here as well as USA and Romania. The first time I read a poem was in primary school, I was so shocked of the applause I received that I decided " I will never do this again!" My teacher, Patricia, was very happy with but I felt undeserved of all the attention because I read a poem which was not mine. Afterwards, I started writing but never read in Argentina. My teachers were concerned about the sadness of my poems and some other teachers showed surprise when I wrote something uplifting. In the UK I started performing after my marriage broke down. The insensitivity of my ex husband helps me to carry on.... regardless! My first eBook was published by and you can search it under my poetry name Poetikaliz, there's a free poetry preview and even a naked photo of me, but to see that you may have to buy the book! Sweeeeeeeet!


Angel of the Sea Coming down, luminescent thunder Conquering unaware evenings One whole day that transverses Completely isolated fields Growing like Nectar in flight Dark blue night approximates 7- where the Moon does alight the sea 7- the white fractures over an emerald background The Sun spilled it's rays Over the naked sand Into a magnetic equator That is the point where We vanished Innocence escapes to run Barefooted free to the North and its South Ghostly veiled into the dark night Send me to sleep through.... Tiresome waveless dreams Speak volumes of the Deep. ********************************************************************* Linked Ink Let me run you like a high class flower Not outside in order to wither but inside So that to guide the lines unwritten Celestial, curvature of undeveloped Wings of angels as the cloud that Does not fade but if it did would Fly away In which atmosphere does the luminous rock shine tonight In where does it settle your omnipoetic desert *Note: the poem has two messages, it starts with the processes of writing, the comfort to do it at home not outside. The second message is to fall in love with a poet who prefers the wandering nature and discards the comforts of writing! The poem is a description of a personal experience. I thought I could love, and live with a Poet ⭐

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Nigel Astell

Tue 15th Nov 2016 13:26

One of my hey hey heys was missing last night it was you!

Hope you are well and look forward to seeing you on the next meet x

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Nigel Astell

Tue 11th Oct 2016 14:41

You have angel wings
snowy white hat with
red painted toe nails
personality of such affection
making me feel fantasticooooo
every time we meet x

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Andy N

Tue 11th Oct 2016 12:54

good to see you onboard here, Liz.

Love Angel of the Sea. one of my favourite poems of yours.

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