The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Farmer Yani Koo

Updated: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 10:27 am

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The Many Faces of Spirit Wind Welcome to my gallery decoders of symbology Breaking the cycle of generational trauma one day at a time ? Oromo Artist


When I became a teen: ? The things that were done to avoid coming home Couldn’t hang out with kids who had a curfew So the streets I would roam Them late night kids didn’t have much care So we bumped the music loud and put 1 in the air Was the type to always have my hoodie on Do you from Do or Die was my favorite song What seemed like betrayal was a blissing in the end But had to live with random people and lose a few friends Wasn’t playing the lead But was more like an assistant Let em walk all over me Cause my heart was persistent Didn’t know much about the world Cause Seattle’s version of little east Africa is where I am from But ended up in a group home And quickly learned I was the different one They didn’t eat injera! And I had to have onion,garlic and ginger in my eggs What a culture shock said the voice in my head It all felt like a blur once they put me on all those meds Fell asleep in school Cause I couldn’t sleep in bed Then it all came to a quick stop 18 On my own Insurance? No. This was the last time I was openly human Cause withdrawal symptoms are a bi*tch Especially if you can survive that sh*t ..... 10 years later I tell this story because the more I heal the more layers I must peel back All investigable parts of the story must be analyzed Going to 9 public schools instead of 3 played a different role on my development in ways I didn’t understand It shaped how I viewed the world And how I can now correct my vision Sometimes the thoughts you think are allowed due to the environment you’re in I probably wouldn’t have stopped caring about my self and pretended I was dumb just to fit in Wish pops would’ve told me then not to listen to them Cause I was born NATURALLY weird, happy and smart Not with a depressed spirit That’s something I inherited a little later on Reversing the wheel As the milky ocean churns —�— Spirit Wind ?

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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