The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.


As a trained chef I travelled many countries and today I know that it was a search for the deeper meaning of life and its mysterious wonders. In 1996, I came to South Africa, got married and as all reasons create consequences, I met some inspirational people who pointed me to my spiritual inheritance. By studying Astrology it created the passion and love for the ancient knowledge of the Vedas. Vedic Astrology provides a refined understanding of the soul’s purpose and opens the doors of perceptions towards our spiritual and real circumstance.

Spiritual Poetry

Short measures In small proportion real beauty to know, the full extent of perfection slowly grow. Sense sublime deeply through all things, a memory from long ago that still impels. Chaotic beauty in struggle seen as art, causing havoc by ego’s hope, torn apart. Dying memories never reached that dream, aspiration to inspire before the expired gleam. Incomplete measures by lofty composition, when simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Clarity by intuitive perception as measure, to know the real known as treasure. Making virtues out of faults dims the light, ideal means and its embarrassing sight. The imperfect self towards true realization, hereafter and its other sphere continuation. The greatest love is covered by indifference, in admiration by respect as reference. Divinity by short measures is human perfection, humanity in long measures are divine limitation.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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