Updated: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 09:10 pm
I'm a young writer just putting my poems in a place of use rather than letting them waste in my notes.
it pulls back, tight, a finger falls away gone flung through the air till it hits and falls a heavy stone sunk at the bottom of my stomach but you’ve left the slingshot on the bench outside and I don’t know how to leave you on that bed a cold hand still holds my heart instead, you’ll stay a heavy stone sunk in my stomach I’ll never leave you behind I swear I'll take you everywhere but today you won’t let me go and it's not fair that I’m stuck here and you’re through there and you’ve hurt me with your hit I’m bleeding all over the floor it trails from your door to my bloody hands and guilty eyes the dirty grief bleeds from inside my heavy soul won’t close your eyes I don’t want to say goodbye.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Florence
Slingshot (09/01/2019)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/florence
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Alo Fettig
Fri 18th Jan 2019 10:01
how are you doing, i know that i did not say much about myself because I have a special reason of contacting you. write to me because is confidential, OK ( robinsonmike4999@gmail.com )