The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Frank Burton

Updated: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 04:30 pm

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I am an award-winning writer and founder of the non-profit online publisher, Philistine Press. My short story collection, "A History of Sarcasm" was published by Dog Horn in 2009. My novel, The Prodigals, can be read online or downloaded for free at My work has been published in magazines and anthologies in the UK, Australia, and USA, including Poetry Monthly, Pulsar, Etchings, Skive, Purple Patch, Gold Dust, Twisted Tongue, Monkey Kettle, Whispers of Wickedness and Obsessed With Pipework. To find out more about Philistine Press, please visit


SHADOWS: On a trip to my home town, I called in at my old friend Keith’s, To be met by his mum and dad, Who took me into the kitchen And informed me that since my departure, Keith had turned into a mountain. I looked out the back window and, sure enough, there he was, Standing tall, without the slouch. His transformation had destroyed several houses, Expanding the back yard by a square mile or so. That afternoon, I climbed him, Taking lunch with me, Various items of food and drink that I remember Keith liked. Kit Kat. Fosters. I sat at the top and ate my chocolate and drank my lager, And wondered if Keith was happier as a mountain. From where I sat, I could see our old school, The pub we used to go to. I descended, packing my things into my bag, Not wanting to leave litter. “It’s just a phase,” his mum said. “He’ll change back.” “In a way, I hope he doesn’t,” I said. Slightly insensitive of me, it can’t have been easy for them, What with all those people suing. I stepped back into the yard. The sun was setting, and I allowed myself to stand once again, In Keith’s shadow.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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John F Keane

Wed 3rd Mar 2010 21:30

That is disturbing. It somewhat reminds me of Kafka's metamorphosis.

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Gray Hamm

Sun 3rd Jan 2010 22:21

ey up Frank
your picture caught my eye in the good old Rossendale Free Press this week - you didn't tell them you'd defected to the soft south, now did you? Good luck with the book

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Gray Hamm

Fri 18th Dec 2009 21:04

Hi Frank
I've just come across a comment you left for me in March... I can't have been paying attention. Sorry! I've not been too active on the poetry front of late, but am trying to get my act together again... so to speak.
Anyway you asked if I live in Bacup. What gives you that idea? ... but the answer is yes.
And I share the opinion of your other contributors here about 'shadows' - a really classy piece, I thought.
Now don't feel you need to leave it 9 months to reply to me, will you?

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barrie singleton

Fri 27th Mar 2009 00:42

Thanks for approval posted on my page Frank. I see from 'Shadows' you are aptly named. You 'wear your Freud on your sleeve' when writing. Does poor Keith have any idea just how hopeless his situation is? (:o)

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Anthony Emmerson

Fri 27th Mar 2009 00:12

Hi Frank,
Love your work. Fresh, different, quirky, imaginative, technically adept and very absorbing. a poetic breath of fresh air - mixed with a welcome and liberal dose of nitrous oxide.

<Deleted User>

Thu 26th Mar 2009 17:13

I really enjoyed reading your poem. Its funny. I get some very clear images and visuals from it. It'd be nice to paint it.

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Alison Mary Dunn

Sat 19th Apr 2008 13:22

Frank your poems are quite out there. I checked out your site. I'm so impressed by your very bold creations. Shadows is powerful. I agree with Darren's comments, the ending is pretty brilliant.
thanks a lot for sharing.


darren thomas

Sun 2nd Dec 2007 13:20

I put my hand in this tombola of poetic orthography and pulled out your ticket. How glad I am. 'Shadows' is a fantastic multi-layered piece. The last three lines are, and I use this word on very few occasions, brilliant.

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