Georgia John
Updated: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 03:47 pm
I have always been a love of creative writing and started an English major when I moved to America to study. A couple years later after many crossroads I have resdiscovered writing as a way of personal healing. I would like to share some pieces with you.
The Mask So softy sealed her lips keep all, The hurt and pain only she recalls From dimming the light of someone’s day, Just to hear the words ‘are you OK?' A disguise so real, no one would know The day to day struggle I long to show, Through the beauty and laughter of a delusory mask It’s no wonder they don’t even stop to ask If my life is still perfect as soon as night falls, When it’s just me, my head and all these four walls But when it’s too much to bare my friend, it’s come to the point you can no longer pretend That even your smile is too heavy to hold, The cheerful little girl you’ve always sold Still too lost to find the words to say, A notepad and pen show me the way To free me from the bars of this cage, And let my heart bleed all over the page A clear mind and a story to tell, About a time in life I did nothing but dwell. Out from the darkness and into the light, Bared faced and raw with no mask in sight.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Georgia John
The Mask (22/04/2018)
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