the most interesting thing in the world is "the power of a human mind"
man vs machine
a world of man vs a, world of machine an ocean of man vs an, ocean of machine machine vs an ocean of machine machine vs an ocean of man an ocean vs an ocean man verses man machine verses machine an ocean of destruction vs an ocean of destruction kindness is kindness of destruction kindness is kindness of humankindness humankindness is a ocean of humankindness humankindness is a ocean of destruction verses is verses machine verses is verses man verses is verses kindness verses is verses destruction man vs machine kindness vs humankindness author notes : my writing is called philosophical writing. i only uses middle ages words,words from the renaissance for instance words liked gracious,extravaganza,etc... this poem is about kindness is humankindness of man or machine. i don’t add capitalization’s on my writing.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by godlucifer
talking peace (03/03/2025)
lethal woman (10/02/2025)
man made (26/01/2025)
rich richer,poor poorer (06/12/2024)
outer time,outer man (06/11/2024)
confession (15/10/2024)
a wise crank is a wise crack (25/09/2024)
make or break (02/09/2024)
a class act (12/08/2024)
birth of new foundation (23/07/2024)
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