Ihsan Speaks
Updated: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 08:37 pm
Somehow i stumbled on writing quotes and then small poems , I have published many of my quotes and poems on youtube
Our frontline heroes ------------------------------ Doctors, nurses, and healthcare team, You are our inspiration, our esteem. You fought something strange, At such a short-range. Covid 19 has brought the world to chains, Yet you are there for people who feel pain, They are, who I call front-line hero's, Risking their lives to the virus who is our foe. We must save our elders from this great trouble, So please stay inside your safe bubble. Doctors, nurses, and caretakers too, Have been trained to deal with the flu, But when something stronger and faster appears, They have to push away their doubts and fears, And motivate their way, To help people stay. COVID-19, you may be the prepared package, For an unprepared person, But, we humans are very unpredictable, Which makes us sustainable, We shall not falter, Our strength mustn't alter.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Ihsan Speaks
Grandpa Poem (27/03/2021)
Farmers Poem (27/03/2021)
Social media poem (27/03/2021)
Work from Home Poem (27/03/2021)
(untitled) (27/03/2021)
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