My name Jane Walnut, of course its my Pen name or Nome de Plume as one might call it. I have always derived solace and peace every time my life has brought me to a precipice of an emotion that over-whelmed me to the point where it transcended into words, words I would not generally use in my day to day life. My love for writing down my emotions seemed parallel to the way i felt at that moment and time when I started penning down my thoughts and hence my journey began. I feel like a different person when I pen down words and thoughts, in that moment it takes me to a small little place, my happy safe place, where I know that words written here will never be judged or criticized and the cocoon that i write from provides me with safe haven that all writers cherish. This is my first time where I risk showing a piece of myself to a public forum and I do hope that reading my poems and my thoughts bring the same joy, comfort and belonging to the person reading them as I did writing them, and to also assure the reader that by sharing a piece of my emotion I'm also saying that you too are not alone in this.
This World, Today and Tomorrow This world today and tomorrow, Are never yours, These people friends and relatives, Were never yours. All that is yours, You do not want. All that exists, Does not suffice. The hunger, the thirst, the lust for Life. Is that what life's all about ? The pain, the anguish, the sorrow, The troubles caused by the ones Who you counted on for a better Tomorrow.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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Big Sal
Fri 25th Jan 2019 13:46
What a true concept for your sample.
Welcome to the site.?
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Big Sal
Tue 29th Jan 2019 13:24
Thanks for stopping by for your kind words.
Keep writing!?