The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Jason smith

Updated: Thu, 24 May 2018 10:24 am


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A poet and writer, also a spoken word artist. Jason has performed at The National Theatre London and took much ground in poetry slams. works from this artist can also be found via 'Inspiring Words, Poetry & Prose' via Facebook and @wordsmith212 twitter. Jason has won a platinum award for a novel which was featured at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in The Arrow in the Blue Exhibition. A humble wordsmith.


I lost Me Notes I lost my notes between the cracks of my chairs gaping holes of clothes and pockets when bare, between cracks of council concrete streets marching out of step to percussions of my heart beats I lost my notes on the way here along perilous fogy paths unclear, I lost my notes. I lost my notes, I lost my notes. I lost my notes when aiming for stars but began orbiting Mars and pretty ladies, credit scores, bling and cars, in Facebook, and Insta and trying to date plenty of fish. I lost my notes in floating boats conversations sailing along the sentient rivers of bubbling wit and my fathomless prose. I lost my notes I lost my notes. I lost my notes in things titillating, crazy, when things become hazy and I woke naked in a field on top of sharp shoots of a prickly feel wondering where the hell I am. I lost my notes, I lost my notes. I lost my notes Monday morning not wanting to rise from my bed, in the vocab repertoires implanted in everyone’s heads, in council tax demands, meat waggons vans journeying to jails, and in the fallen tears over flowing into oceans of lost souls never reaching goals, and I, the debris, bob alongside them. I lost my notes, I lost my notes. I lost my notes in teaming heaving hungry windows of souls And the ever climbing cacophonies of clambering truths within the great conundrums of my self’s. I lost my notes emerging from a warm womb into a life that looms A swinging axe and swish of a fists nightmarish reminisce. I lost my notes. I lost my notes. I lost my notes meandering along the Euphrates river after the apple was eaten in the garden of Eden and by the rivers of Babylon where I sat down and wept. I lost my notes, I lost my notes, I lost my notes.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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