I am young poet, or atleast say to be one, I admire poetry and I think it's the perfect epitome of how one can express themselves. I write a lot of poems, wether it be free-verse with a touch of rhyming scheme or a poem that's all about the rhyming, nevertheless, what I write, truly derives from my emotions and I think my poems are something which everyone can relate to.
My first ever writen poem : A miserable lie
When we try to live our moments, time flies, But the time we spend in those moments, Is sweeter than beehives. Life has it's setbacks, We might someday depart, We have to get through, Before we are broken apart. It's saddening to hear those people cry, For the one's they lost and for the one's who die, To think that everything happens for a reason, What a miserable lie ! What a miserable lie ! - Jayant Madan
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Jayant Madan
Mon amour, thy word (26/11/2022)
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