The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 10:47 pm

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Guess what there is no prizes in this world for? Being yourself, and thats all I have to say.


The autonomy of you, me and I.. using the voice of the legendary Barry White The all seeing eye So stunning, yet so shy N` with this you tried to steal my heart Without a hint of sorrow My mind was next N` this was set By the thoughts Which were to follow So deep you went For me to repent Were to the doors Not of today but tomorrow But once there I no longer worry For I’ll do anything! To escape your pain, misery, suffering and sorrow For I know my purpose! I know my worth! You stole my heart Now you’re trying to steal my mind How can anyone in this world Who say they `love you` Be so blind For I took you in Your wounds I licked clean I thought in time I thought so kind Even though deep down I didn’t want to admit It would be through Your broken heart My love would depart! For all I found myself doing Was staring back Looking into the depths of tomorrow Every day come what may Is now the same as tomorrow Why is it just I Who appears to see through The burden of your pain, misery Suffering, and sorrow Come what may Others will say While carrying on In their fashion But unlike them I loved you too much To even consider ending our passion My children so hard to keep I had to place my troubles deep N` now they don’t even know me They only hear what they want to hear So feel what they want to feel See I am anyone In whom anyone can be I was just lucky In that I happened to be me While still loving you with a heart of compassion You never took the time to stop! To stop and say wait, we are one But you weren’t slow When throwing a childish tantrum N` bringing me and my family down You seem to live in different world I tried to explain how I felt N` the direction we were heading I couldn’t have tried any better With feelings, emotions Understanding and all my love I tried and tried! N` if you don’t believe me Then maybe you’ve Never felt true love My heart, my heart So strong for you Oh why Oh why Did you try and break it in two Did you know from the start You were out break my heart Unless I became like you! But as much as you thought You thought! As you thought for only you The only reason I can say these words Is I only ever thought Of you John Gibson©2006

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Chloe Love

Sat 9th Jul 2016 16:09

really nice poem xx

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 29th May 2014 10:12

Hello John

Welcome to Write Out Loud.

I hope you enjoy the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by other WOL-ers too.

Thanks for uploading a picture of yourself.
It’s good to see what our fellow poets look like.

Have a good browse around, there’s lots going on and if you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.
There’s always someone who’ll help you out with a problem, so just ask and someone will get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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