Joshua Lee
Updated: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 04:25 pm
I am no poet by any means, at least when it comes to my profession. My vocabulary is smaller than it should be and I can't spell worth a damn; however, I know how to use an online dictionary. I enjoy writing and always try to improve my skills, but in all honesty, I only pretend I'm using proper context and grammar. I have a lot to learn and that is what makes writing enjoyable for me. I start writing whenever I'm inspired by something or an idea/phrase pops into my head. It's mostly 'mumbo jumbo' lyrics and the occasional horribly formatted poem. Whenever I'm depressed, stressed, loving, or hurt the words in my head can't seem to get on paper quick enough. I may not be an English Major or professional writer, but when I write and it lifts my spirits then I consider that a true success.
The crack of dawn, yet absent of light Darker than the hours preceding Only one could dread a new day But it's a constant battle and endless fight To rise from this dungeon To enter this isolated Hell The morning is slow, yet all too short Lead weights on all limbs and eyes It is no longer routine, but a mission To begin each day, Only to distort The true soul trapped inside Acting hides the shame Of the person slowly dying, caught in its grip The long for sleep The long for loneliness Only to awake and continue digging this pit
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Joshua Lee
The Endless Pit (18/08/2015)
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