The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Juton, Villain of Truth

Updated: Thu, 22 May 2014 04:42 pm

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Daily, I write and perform Written Spoken Word Poetry on behalf of change, the mechanism for which is conviction bound to empathy, guise of love and birth place of equality. Took English in Uni, had a mental illness, Kept a journal, it turned into the endlessly pouring stream of poetic consciousness that I expound to inspire hope and smiles in those who suffer as I once suffered and the families around them. An authentically charismatic Canadian based in Glasgow, Scotland In earnest anticipation of,


Time Bomb Daughter Take II How many, Self contagious amnesty driven witnesses have turned the logical key of lies undetected to defend a predator's nature? One sexual consent genocide explicit night of obscured compliance was poisoned under a vale of grey permission clouds raining shades of bruises; Down upon a half epidermis burst button open, Was the nightingale's pigeon cutis vellum hole war(n) unprotected torn forcefully open by violence's flesh arsonist hands, Snake embed disagreement between the womb and the algorithm for life's, Crafting an abuse by undesired product... Preserving the victim's swollen pregnancy kingdom of spite belly, Wherein resides an illicit law protected from abortive measures foetus of a hatred virgin thrust party of abolishment Betraying cloven succubus hooved temptress the jury proclaimed in a tidal ruling wave of unanimous judgement in public paedophile favour Marooned inside her covertly deviant touch defiled skin, Her blame crown of glittering shrapnel, Now she seeks asylum in a knife to skin bath holocaust sunken ship f(r)iendship! For her soul is now but a dread twisted naught carapace, A metal husk spoke caressing the impending chalk wreckage outline of a self heart inflicted implant A benign regime of hope. In earnest anticipation of,

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 2nd Jul 2014 21:29

I`ve been listening to your audio, (just after blogging elsewhere about the power of voice.
I must confess find your poetry a bit pick and mix,...But what a voice!

I know that there`s echo chamber and some sound effects in there...but, Man! you should be an actor!

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 25th May 2014 11:59

Hello Juton

Welcome to Write Out Loud.

We're really looking forward to reading some of your work. I know that you will be warmly welcomed by fellow WOL-ers on the site.
It's good to see that you've already added a picture to your profile It helps to see what our fellow poets look like.
Have a good browse around the site, there’s lots going on and if you have the time make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.
Any problems, please ask. There’s always someone who’ll get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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