Kathleen Strafford is a widely published poets online, in journals and magazines. Her first poetry collection 'Her Own Language' was published in 2018 by Dempsey and Windle. Her second collection published by Yaffle Press 'Wilderness of Skin'. Kathleen is the chief editor of Runcible Spoon Webzine and runs an open mic usually the second Tuesday of every month at Carriers Arms in Morley, Leeds from 6 to 8.
Poetry Lady Godiva
Lady Godiva Ode to Peeping Tom I peer through corkscrew chinks in doorways The summer moon has drawn his curtains declaring all shutters and windows closed the wind is preparing a speech the trumpeters a fanfare She didn’t choose the plucky pony with a spring in its step instead the hot proud palfrey for his smooth ambling See how she strokes his ears pats his hind quarters enamoured with its shape Look how she bows her face in prayer pressing her ringlets against round breasts swings her thigh slips her Venus mound straddles velvet birds of paradise how fine threads of fur mingle I don’t know if I’ve ever loved a fragrance half as much as her at midday As she trots through fields of heather, the sun dressing her in lace purple brushing her fringe I imagine the dance of the seven veils & how quickly John lost his head.
Coup de Grace: Lancelot
Coup de Grace: Lancelot We lie in bed back to back dreaming of when our spirits leapt at the mere thought of touching We had it all in our hands but couldn't hold on to the last strand of hair or this feeble calamity of hope We have outgrown love locked it away in our closet where it beckons and baffles babbling unspoken profanities Our skin aches we quake remembering warm enchantments In the end we become what we most dread.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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