The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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khushal kothari

Updated: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 04:48 am

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A fun loving person who loves to read and write poems all time! i try to use the simplest language and rhymes to attract eyes and i hope everyone likes my work. my topics are not any particular set of topics.. they are random, just like my thoughts..


I always felt happy, the happiness did not fade, when suddenly I realized, being careless caused me great, I did never know, I would ever face this fate, now I cry kneeling down,"it's too late, it's too late!". Too late to realize I had to work hard, Too late to say sorry to all broken hearts, Too late to recover mistakes from my heart, and not late to say "too late, too late". I always was a fighter, to "do what it takes" now nothing seemed brighter, Too late, it's too late. I really needed something, to huddle, to cuddle, a meaningful goal, a cycle to peddle, or at least let me die out of cry, out of hate, "I can't take it more, too late, it's too late". Then came few people,few people so fair, with strength in the shine, my eyes couldn't bear, "Nothing got damaged, nothing's over yet, it's not too late, it's never too late". My eyes opened wide, the words they did say, a dark late night was like a bright early day, on my thanks they just said,"don't you try to pretend, our very existence will never let you end". That was the day, I believed in god, he gave me the meaning i needed the most, the god should make more people like them, those lovely people, we call them FRIENDS. Friends eat when you eat, they beat the ones who beat, you request anything, there's no need to repeat. In such a misery did my life take a seat, a warm wish to live seemed to leave it's own heat, saying too late, I didn't stop to repeat when my friends came flying, made my wish complete. friends sit where you sit, clean the flaws that you spit and more precious than my life are my friends, that's it!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Big Sal

Thu 27th Dec 2018 16:06

Thanks for reading.

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