The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Kritika Gurung

Updated: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 06:46 am


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Just a brown girl discovering her feminity and strength through words, while sipping coke ( the drink ).


loving me Loving me, is when you stumble, slip, fall and somehow end up walking in my path. When you don’t seem to realize the path that you are in, and you run towards the light on the opposite side, as far as your legs can take you, till they burn out with a spark so bright, that it’s blinding. And when you finally open your eyes, all that you can see is me, just me, standing there in the blinding light with all the patch works on my skin that makes me. Loving me, is when you see my selfish ways of getting things, and yet you feel grateful for having me. You might even start being selfish in your own ways just so that I would notice it. And when instead of forcing your cherry lips and your soft hands, you give me your shoulder, your eyelashes- that are even longer than mine, and your sweet freckles that burn like stars; instead of taking my waist, my neck, my mouth; you ask me for my fingers, my one grey hair, my acne-which is pretty gross, but then, that’s when you’re loving me. You trace my mistakes, like you’re hunting for hidden clues in a dark forest, because you know that these hidden clues will lead you to the rusty, raw treasure chest that holds so much more than just shine and glitter. And when I break down and crash into pieces, you will not be there to glue me up, because you know that a glued up diamond is of no use. But, you will be there to observe and inspire me, to transform myself into this thick, hard yet permeable rock, that will rise and stand tall just a tad bit more than I did in the past, and you will still be loving me for the thick, rough and edgy rock that I will be, because that’s how you are loving me. And when I scream at you and the world around me, you will scream back and celebrate these aspects of myself, that I had never really claimed of, but only you had. You will speak of my creativity, ability, strength, feminity and the art that I am no longer of as a pretense, because that’s how you will be loving me. When you’re loving me, you will not be afraid of weakness, you will not turn away from vulnerability and you will surely not bow down to your big fragile ego that the society had gifted you as a new born. You will not let people chain you into this narrow cage of masculinity. Instead of looking at marriage in language of ownership and dominance, you will look at it with language of partnership, consent, mutual love and respect. Loving me can be quiet challenging, because I’m a woman of desires, for not treasures that will melt away, but for the raw treasures that will define me and give me the right to love, respect, accept and aspire me to be the woman that I have always dreamt to be. So, please do not get intimidated by my intelligence, creativity and innovation, but acknowledge them and strike up a spark in them so that they can shine even more brighter and illuminate the dark corners that surrounds them, because that’s when you’re loving me. Sing to me, sing as loudly as you can, sing me of the cultures that celebrates the humanity of women and not just men. Before asking me to love you, step into my dark sparkling space, see me for the woman that I am, and not for the woman that I should be, hear me for the words that I scream out, and not for the words that I should have whispered. And before throwing the words “I love you” at me, acknowledge my presence of soul, body and mind, boost my confidence and be proud of my courage, so that I may whisper “I love you” as I look at myself in the mirror. Because that’s when you’re loving me.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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