The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Leigh Tiffany Love

Updated: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 01:55 am

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I've been writing poetry since I was 9 years old and has recently been approached by several publishers and copy written. First, I would love the opinion (good/bad) of my peers and fellow artist. I love to using imagery and symmetry in my writing. This way those who read can build their own views and relate to my poems in their own way. Feel free to comment however you feel just please no cursing or belittling. Besides that I hope you enjoy. I write a lot so there maybe several post a week.


LIES Lies roll off your tongue your like Precious air saved who are suffocating for it. No Scott or care it's like fresh fruit that grow on the jungle tree in the wilderness. You're not fooling me I will not get caught in your perjury have to account for your soul at the highest of court. The deceptively has no policy and can't be trusted in the speeches you give before those dates that part will leave you in dismay your words are broken contractions that do not the loss of Reality by black and follow your heart was beating from the spot of damage upon your soul and one day you'll be judged for the negative things that you have told day to day will arrive and I'll pray for you although I do not know why what good is it you know if that person doesn't care if you live or die.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Leigh Tiffany Love

Merely Air (22/01/2017)

Eyes Wide Open (22/01/2017)

Destiny of a Villain (22/01/2017)

age vs growth (18/01/2017)

No Longer Lost (30/12/2016)

Our moment (30/12/2016)

Who? (26/12/2016)

The Veiw (22/12/2016)

Blog link:

Audio entries by Leigh Tiffany Love

Merely Air (22/01/2017)

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