Lindsey Price
Updated: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 08:30 pm
The day suffocates my soul Each minute sends me further The more I fight the harder my body fights back Good things happen but I am blind The only thing I hear is silence Faces pass, I smile back only out of habit My body has learned how to pretend But my mind will never grasp the concept My heart aches constantly It pushes against my rib cage It is a prisoner trying to escape At this point I am three feet under Drowning isn’t caused by water My ears start to ring My vision becomes impaired Darkness and silence have consumed my existence My breathing is a metronome Steady and slow as my lungs focus only on their purpose My body is moving but with no help from me Am I even alive? I go through the motions I am merely a rollercoaster No destination or thought process I move along the tracks in silence Everyone around me enjoys this but I feel nothing My body comes to a halt Everyone leaves and once again I am alone I question if I was ever accompanied Was it all a dream? The metronome is cut off The ringing in my ears has been silenced My body and I are no longer fighting My eyes open wide, one last time But I see nothing My mouth drops but to no surprise Water doesn’t drown Suicide is nothing but an idea This is homicide The tragedy: A mind cannot be convicted At this point I am six feet under She pulls me out once more She thinks she is helping I close my eyes and pray for eternal darkness But my body awakens The journey begins again It was only just a day These days will continue to suffocate my soul
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Lindsey Price
dry drowning (31/08/2015)
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