The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Lisa Poetic

Updated: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:28 am

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My intimate relationship with poetry began 18 years ago. This long-term relationship acted primarily as a method to stave off suicide, sometimes as a way to express love and question existence, always as a means to understand myself. After discovering absurdism and existentialism I now view suicide as an important philosophical question rather than a potential escape from a seemingly endless amount of suffering. A life-long devotee of self-exploration and understanding, my search for truth involves delving into the depths of my dark side which inevitably led to a relatively brief stint as a nihilist. Unable to tolerate the hopeless and disorienting nothingness that nihilism brings, I sought answers from Friedrich Nietzsche whom I credit with changing my life. His teachings encouraged me to define my own values and find my own meaning rather than continuing the search for elusive objective truths. Many dark and confronting questions swim around my unusual mind: Does the complete acceptance of death lead to a full and vibrant life? Is reproducing a form of abuse? Do thoughts create reality? Is trying to be different to what you are an anxiety-provoking waste of time? Do parallel universes exist? Is ignorance bliss? Will anyone read my book? Is it possible for anyone to ever really know anything? I also like puppies, 2Pac and dancing in public. I hold a degree in criminology and criminal justice, I’m currently completing a Bachelor of Arts majoring in psychology and philosophy and I’m a regular participant and supporter of the spoken word community in Melbourne, Australia. You can check out my blog here: You can follow me on Facebook here:


REMEMBRANCE His sterility laced with feigned humanity Touched my face through the phone My attempt to warm him thwarted I know pointlessness when I hear it Flakes of fake barrenness sent back to him It’s a language he understands And I was dealing with cold matters anyway I remembered to love the little ones this time I had forgotten yesterday Life will always be there to remind me No need to concern myself with that The blameless day went on In balance and harmony Perhaps the equinox was real Perhaps there were more important things Than the idea of numbers And what I can exchange them for The words from the book nestle Cosily in my sulci They were actually already there They just needed to be bolded, underlined and italicised I wear the blue feather in my hair Why did this idea, this longing Take a lifetime to break through the surface of dirt? Perhaps I answer my own questions Heavy soil is hard to pierce in upward broken motions With the sifting and sorting settled Every beam of light and dark converge Meeting in the centre Of the beginning of my completion.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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