The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Maia Moon

Updated: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 09:02 pm


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I'm new at poetry, but have a lot I need to express. Hispanic french american (Not even I know) Mostly write about loss, suicide, love, or suicide prevention. Ballerina for the Savannah Ballet School Art is my expression, if I can't create, I'll go insane.


If I handed you, one hundred balloons, you would drop each one, and float to the moons. If I blew some bubbles and watched as they float you’d soar far above and here I quote, “If all the world, was spinning round, like a red balloon, way up in the clouds, you’d anchor me, back down” Well we went and we were, two balloons in the sky, one anchor below, to watch as we fly One red and one green, two girls in the clouds, the world at their feet, and boy, were they proud Though balloons with fall, either slow or they’ll pop, no matter how happy they’ll eventually drop So enjoy while you’re there, up there with the birds, for when you fall to the ground… there will never be words. If one balloons pops, still one’s there to soar, until she gets lonely, then she’s down to the floor POP! Green pieces will fall, down miles and miles, leaving the other to bawl. She misses you greatly, as she comes back down, unable to float, she’ll be held by a clown. With one of you gone, she’ll stay by his side, to weep and to mourn, because her friend has died Though she smiles through pain, knowing one thing for sure, she’ll see you again, when you give her the tour Of the place you now live, looking down with a smile, because you’re still flying, just up a few miles.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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