The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Marcia Calame

Updated: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 07:28 pm

marcia calame

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Marcia is a Midland based Writer & Poet Performer Published works on page: Celebrate Wha – An Anthology series of ten of the finest Midland poets collaborate with words of wisdom, education, laughter, love and Inspiration- Edited by Roy McFarlane and Eric Doumerc launched 2011. Poems such as Speak English and Going Dutch were a hit in performances Sense of Touch, Representing the Midlands 2008-Poetry for the People by the people; Red Soldiers, published in the book: Remember them in silence, No chips please published in: Best of British and Rippled Splendor, are three more poems that have been published in major Anthologies and The Colour Green published in the Anthology Central verses. Poems such as: The Drummer Queen, Redeye and Quilted reminisce are all poems of the month while Ebony love, Ebony touch and, The Market: are inspirational words, enjoyed by the youth and elders alike. Skin Deep was one of the later poems, published in the anthology: Flowers and Flirtation and an audience joy- Jewel in the hand also published in the Anthology: A poem for every occasion and Calm another poem published in the Anthology: To Paint a picture Who Inspires me: So, who has inspires me? GOD, My Grand Mummy, Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze and a whole host of writers and mentors Other Stuff: Marcia was also A Facilitator for: ShowcaseSmoothie: Y Theatre, East Street, Leicester LPT NHS TRUST: who have been awarded a grant of over £150K- To help develop Individual talents and use the arts to improve the self-confidence and life skills of primarily young black men with experience of mental health. Marcia facilitated a group of male performance poets with a showcase of music, theatre and poetry which helped launched the opening of ShowcaseSmoothie, that is very close to Jean Binta Breeze’ heart and was present during the processes. January 28th to February 1st 2012 CELEBRATE WHA BOOK LAUNCH- An aspiring Anthology of Ten Black writers from the Midlands performed at the Library Theatre August 2011, The Drum Birmingham, September and then at the Dudley Library for the Mayor of Dudley – December 2011 THE POMEDY SHOW-A successful blend of Poetry and Comedy with Jamaican inspiration: performed at the Drum Birmingham October 2011 and The Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton November 2011 Back in the day: BRAW ‘On the Bus’ ADA’S SONG-Black History Month-City Bar-October 2008 Birmingham Artsfest- Museum & Art Gallery-September 2008 Apples and Snakes Poets on fire White Chapel Gallery London- June 2008 Bicentenary breaking the chains Abolition of the slave Trade act 1807-2007-June 2008 @ The International Convention Centre Birmingham- March 2008 “Thing’s that can’t be said” Poetry meets Theatre, Directed by Shabina Aslam Apples & Snakes and R:evolve – Feb 2008 A powerful assortment of Music, Emotional Words & Dance Midlands Art Centre Birmingham, The Arena Theatre Wolverhampton, The Glass House –Stourbridge and the Norden Farm Centre for Arts-Berkshire Google: Marcia Calame


(A sample poem taken from the book- Celebrate Wha') SPEAK ENGLISH 'Speak English Woman!' The Queen's English you mean? Where the 'W' lies steadfast Emphasised And heightened in the speech When I speak? 'She speaks English. Is she British?' Like a porcelain bread and butter dish Yorkshire pudding A slice a beef with lashings of gravy type British? Perhaps you wish Me to present my airs and graces 'No need to be angry.' Then maybe you just think I'm Brutish I'm not angry Just hungry Dis is how mi tark Fa yu understan' mi wen mi tark like dis Though nothing English bout my Goat n Rice Nothing English bout my Rack of Spice Nothing English bout my bounce when I walk But dis is how mi wark Fa yu understan' wen mi wark like dis English has now become a word of wandering Perhaps a word of wanting Maybe needing Because you understand what you are reading My character is not part time A moment in time Or a pastime I speak English A Callaloo and Saltfish type British Though I may not be the full English I am real So here's the deal Perhaps one day, you and I can sit and together we can eat out the same dish

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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<Deleted User> (11485)

Sat 5th Oct 2013 00:27

"Saltfish English" is marvelous. I loved this poem.

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Richard Young

Thu 1st Dec 2011 22:46

HI Marcia, I enjoyed your performance at Blackddrop in Nottingham, this evening

<Deleted User> (7075)

Mon 21st Nov 2011 10:07

Hi Marcia, welcome to Write Out Loud. Winston

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Marcia Calame

Thu 3rd Nov 2011 10:52

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