The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


Hello there! My name is Martin Pryce, and I am a poet living in Liverpool. I studied Geography, and enjoy writing nonsense. I love John Hegley, Martin Stannard and Roger McGough most. I have performed at a number of different venues, including Sandbar (for Jackie Hagan's Magical Animals), The Ape and Apple (at The Comedy Balloon), Waterside Arts Centre (as a guest at Rod Tame's Write Out Loud event in Sale), Manchester Student's Union, Trof in Fallowfield, Pub/Zoo, BangFest (a comedy/music festival in Preston) and at a number of fundraising events. I was a part of the Manchester-based comedy group Funbox whilst at university. Their website can be found here: I have a blog of pretty much all my poems at: I am also on Facebook and Twitter, but you can find these on the poetry blog mentioned above. Cheers.


On Comparing Yourself To Others I find it staggering how much people Compare themselves to others People who in my eyes are already pretty fantastic Looking at other pretty fantastic people and Seeing all the types of fantastic that they are not Or at least are not yet or do not see themselves as Sometimes I find myself daydreaming about corrective eye surgery Not because I am a corrective eye surgeon But because too many people have warped vision That magnifies the fantastic in the people around them And minimises the fantastic in themselves A bit like being long-sighted But not a lot like it Of course people are different Some are really funny and some are really handsome And some are really clever and some are really friendly And some are really lucky in that they tick multiple boxes But I think the really lucky ones are the content ones That may not tick any box but also don’t reduce People down to typical characteristics that you find on Personality tests and dating websites I once heard someone say that The only time you should compare yourself to others Is to make sure that they have enough But I put it in Google and I can’t find who said it So either I should write down quotes and sources more often or My friends understand the world on a much deeper level Or I understand the world on a much deeper level But I think it is the first of those three options You have to remember that if everyone compared themselves to others too much Then nobody would do anything because They would all think somebody else could do it better or quicker or sexier So nobody after Oscar Peterson would play piano And nobody after Michael Johnson would run 400 metres And nobody after Michael Johnson would run 200 metres And nobody after Michael Johnson would run the 4x400 metres Apart from the other three people on his team

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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Ann Foxglove

Fri 16th Mar 2012 09:41

Hi Martin - welcome to WOL! Great photo btw :)

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