Updated: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 08:00 pm
Go with the waves
I followed your eyes walking through the room. Curious and sharp. A kiss, from across the Hall (Waves); distorting the air. TREMBLING legs. Sweating hands. Talking thoughts.. sliding trills. The taste of an ending love, Invades my mouth. Dries my lips. Those.. that used to be Yours. I stare at the sky. And the room disappears . The music stops. And You are left.. dancing alone. "Dazed and confused". Burning away in front of my eyes. I keep them wide open, To be blinded by the power of Such an immense light. That the all galaxy reaches out, from above the clouds. To caress the tenderness of the heart That once was mine.
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Blog entries by mellotronk
INK (02/09/2016)
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