I'm fairly new to blogging. I love writing period, it's been one of many things that I've been gifted with to appreciate and preserve my life. Where there is love there is hate , Highs of joy depths of hate... the line between the two so thin so fine like panty lace ???
Man n machine Personalized for me passcode Finger print Touch ID and when the price of the upgrade is feesable Face ID I wonder what will the creativity of man think of next What's the next innovative creations Captivating luxury Personalized by a man a machine social media says I need Breakn down my vibes I'm diluted through waves miiiy smartphone says "sending" They either don't remember you Or just don't fuck with you My smart phone says "pending" I get a text that redirects my attention It's funny the control that I assume that I believe to have power over this device that I direct it because it was designed specifically for me business psychology trickery Man n machine
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