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Updated: Sun, 25 Jun 2017 08:37 pm


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I'm just a typical 18 year old,who is going through the transition of a child into adultry...The transition is the influencer of my thoughts and I just want to write them down


Intro Born and raised in some village,A young boy With features that made him stand from the crowd. These made him get teased by his beloved friends, He then cried and did not like his uniqueness. But He then started to find ways to embrace his form, He was heavily influenced by THE BOOK OF LIFE. So he started to reflect on what the book had said, "For We Are All Made In His Image" He then tried by all means to appreciate himself. From an early age he developed his mind to be steps ahead, Because if he could,He would counter any teasing he received. Now it was then that he discovered the potential of his feature His big head was his greatest weapon ever. He then used it to make it look like, everything was premeditated He was quickly acknowledge not by his peers. He then discovered the small version of life, The Stage were we choose our friends and Foes He had a lot of friends,not because of material things But 'cause of his premeditation and consideration

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