The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Neil Francis Brooks

Updated: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 06:59 am

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Hiya i have been writing and performing my poems for some time now about ten years . Mainly @ Pulsar @ various venues around Wiltshire. I have also performed @ ledbury poetry festival,Bristol poetry can, The riffs bar,Catweazle,Southbank centre London,Poetry cafe ect. I like to knit poems into jumpers and give to my friends as presents. I have trouble with punctuation but can read my own hand writing. I once had a lunch with Rod,Jane and freddy. I am a big Pam ayres Fan. I am also dyslexic poet .


Just Decided I have just decided I have been misguided All arguments are one-sided My glasses are lopsided And i am still undecided Why words are unrewarded Poems seem so sordid If your clever totally ingnore this I aint taking the piss I was born cack handed But get the picture candid Shall i proceed or stick a poem on my forehead. Cat It belches furballs, It purrs with twisted whiskers has a multitude of beds scatters hairs on favourite chairs circles my feet like a piranha for food staying constant in feline affections and sleeps through the boredom of days dreaming of salmon from a tin. This here poem Is looking right into your eyes talking to the right and left of your brain judging you examining you this here poem wants to know you are human to know you have feeling fishing for your thoughts weaving between your truth and lies this poem wants your honesty this poem is landscape of you wanting to know your gossip your weakness your strength your values your morals this poem does`nt want to represent your demons or broadcast your dreams this poem is suitable for all poets hiding behind the similes of life of love and bittersweet pastures this here poem knows the human condition through you through the beauty of words the jewels of language this here poem still in study trying to be a scholar trying to be a good poem loving living and learning trying to come through. At the scupture park dry nib of pencil- thoughts are shadows dissolving sofly sculpture of cloud- slashes of wings smooth as granite croak of pigeon butterflies of string dances follow the sun plight of pages- words reminders of man`s cry flat ideas are given dimension insect punctuation sweep of inventions art is derelict amongst nature`s hands mimetic contemplations thoughts render cognitive movement the scarecrow in bronze gossips of eyebrows to the rookboy skewer of tree- dribbling bronze pear flowing into onion i lay on the skystation and think of those yet to be born. Tree the bare tree touches - open skyline to the heart a tangle of wet leaves lovers carmine kisses - he gives back a diagram of caresses Rookery satellites of twig - centuries breeding perches darkly tattered wings rest New Haiku plateau of raindrops- simultaneously clouds empty their pockets

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Frances Macaulay Forde

Wed 20th Jan 2010 07:04

Yes - as I mentioned on one poem - I'm a new fan, Neil.The mix of ideas and fresh images are inspiring... noted Ledbury Festival and I'm envious.Pam Ayers: Some years ago, I enjoyed her reading to our packed Concert Hall in Perth, Western Australia.

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Rodney Wood

Fri 8th Aug 2008 20:43

At least you can read your writing. Good range and variety of well written poem.

Pete Crompton

Fri 30th May 2008 00:34

Great poems. Loved the tesco one!

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