The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Nik Pearce

Updated: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 04:28 pm

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I am a 46 year poet currently living in Dawlish. I previously lived in Swindon and Devizes in Wiltshire. I have been writing poetry since my early teens but have only felt confident about sharing my poetry in the last few years. I have just published my first book of Poetry, it is called Train of Thought and is available on Amazon. My poems tend to look at the sadder parts of life and world events


Lucky Will you recognise me when I come home from war? will you want to sleep beside me like you wanted to before? will your arms entwine me and keep the nightmares from my door ? will you help me to walk when I'm too weak to crawl? will your love enrich me when I am feeling poor? My eyes can still see your beauty my ears still hear your voice my skin still longs for tenderness although it's too tender to touch I still need to feel you want me but maybe not how much My eyes still fill with tears at the sights I still recall My ears still ring with the horrors of this bloody charade called war The doctors do their best to keep my spirits high but it's not really easy when you wish that you could die I'm stuck in here with all these tubes I see the pity in their eyes and yet they say I'm lucky, Lucky to be alive? If Only I wish I was the one but I know I am not it is not me that makes you cry tears of despair or tears of joy thoughts of me do not keep you awake each night I am not the first one you think of when you awake in the early hours I cannot shower you in kisses touch your cheek, wrap my arms around you and promise you forever I can't give you long smouldering looks then wink to make you laugh or say something corny and make you cringe My impending visits won't set your heart a flutter my silence or my leaving, just an inconsequential stutter to the day that the one returns and sweeps you off your feet leaving me behind to sit and watch and weep

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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