The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Paul Broadhurst

Updated: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 01:44 pm

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In 2006; I got the writing bug; after producing quite a collection of work I put it together in paperbacks and raised money for Charities/Organisations. Just enjoy a chuckle.


The Landing D-day 6th June All packed in and ready, round the craft a fleeting glance Hundreds of boats with soldiers on, to a beach in northern France Heavily armed and fortified, the enemy well dug in Our grit, determination, will see us through to win One mile to go, a final check, machine gun safety gate Bow door down, one way out, the sea then beach await Wading through the water, slowing our advance Shells exploding all around, machine gun bullets glance Bodies of our comrades, littered round the beach Keeping low and driving on the defences we did breach A flag goes up; the head in sight, front line starts to spread Looking back come more troops, treat wounded and the dead Smaller numbers make the top, make known by a fleeting glance It's just begun and never forgot, that D-day northern France What for the future? If we could see the future, could we save the day? Planning things much better, but life don't work that way We've seen much innovation, has this been for the best? One hundred years have passed so fast, let's put things to the test Two world wars they came and went, then a long time of peace Round the world, civil unrest, displacement on increase Looking at just general things, staples of our life 'So called' improvements exclude some folk, causes so much strife Bank cards, App's on mobile phones; internet data cloud How safe is this now hackers hack, your life is out and proud Drug taking now a part of life, openly on the street From buses and cars sweat smell flows, gas canisters round our feet Banks they close restricting cash, we're forced to go that way Folks they want their choice in life and contact day to day Climate change around the globe, weather extreme disaster No control the planet speaks, our actions disrupt the master Health and social services fail, treatment hits the 'buffers Our elected officers 'in whom we trust' end up being 'duffers A.I. offers so much good, but will we lose control? Unlicensed open to everyone, we'll score a big own goal So looking at the future is a lottery day by day Deal with things as they come along, less worry and stress that way Lifeline Can't live my life all on my own I'm forced to have a mobile phone It costs me lots to download stuff My data package is never enough Now upgraded and on 5G This way of life is not so free I'm being forced to live this way Companies now tell me it's how to pay Need Apps to park or scan a shop More security passwords to stay on top But now my data's flowing free Internet scammers try hacking me My monthly payment hits the roof Monies short now that's the truth James in order Dr No, first of the films; franchise it went through the roof Casino royale, with Niven as bond, 1967 was more of a spoof From Russia with love, no ring on goldfinger, just had a great thunderball You only live twice, on her majesty's secret service; danger can be a close call Lots of love interest, diamonds are for ever, at times you live and let die Look out for the man with the golden gun; the spy who loved me, the question is why Hit dizzy heights, Moonraker with jaws love angle; for your eyes only Octapussy circus, never say never again, view to a kill; leaves you lonely Living daylights, a licence to kill, take the shot; aim by goldeneye Tomorrow never dies, the world not enough, die another day; never cry Make a return to casino royale, quantum of solace is tough Made the skyfall still fighting spectre, bond more adventures get rough More special effects, production goes on, for decades the franchise we've seen 25th on its way, awaiting the plot, count down to the day on the screen So after postponement, months in the can; now the time is but nigh Next bond is happening, on to the screen, givivg us 'No time to die' Helly belly Sometimes in life you will need a seat On occasions as well, be fast on your feet A rumble in the tum, a warning you know You can't take the risk, you must really go Always remember the route free and clear Toilet door open, make sure it's quite near Landing gear down, relief and you're off A stall in procedure, you may well touch cloth Diacalm or Imodium to slow down the flow Starving the belly will help this you know When the trots have departed, dry toast and bland grub To line up the stomach, and fill up the hub So taking things easy, your stomach is fit Back into battle, steer away from bad 'food' No words We are going in reverse, words we seem to lose Describe a scene or colour, be aware of what you chose We now stagnate our use of words, frightened of what we say Writing it on paper, it's harder everyday Being too descriptive, can offend you may not know Political correctness, it's time to let it go So if we carry on that route, generalise not to offend Will our use of language, come to a bitter end? Man down Sometimes in life, just to get by You have to decide to tell a white lie How are you doing or are you well Look good on the outside, folks can't really tell Making decisions in life everyday Don't hurt people's feelings is the best way But sometimes us blokes are a bit down We bottle things up so not seen as a clown We have to be Macho, strong, do not cry When sometimes we should let a tear fill our eye Talk and be truthful, say how you feel You're not on your own, open up and you heal So no bottling up those feelings inside No lesser a bloke, open up do not hide Peterloo August 1819 To Peter's field; we made our way Demonstration was needed, about rights and pay Banners of Liberty, Fraternity; 'Unity and strenght' Marching for miles went to enormous length Rich got rich and the poorer more poor People work for a bare minimum; keep the wolf from the door Chained by wage slavery "no more" people shout A peaceful assembly Henry Hunt he spoke out Stood there in numbers for the cause they were proud Men, women, and children, sixty thousand the crowd Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry there Yeomanry charged; dispersed the crowd with no care Hacking their way and trampling at will Hunt, Johnson, Saxon, taken in by the Bill At two it was over, carnage left at the scene Wounded and bloodied, no mercy had been Massacre of British workers, this done for no reason Hunt, Johnson, and Saxon; were charged with high Treason Incarcerated for speaking as the trial fell apart Then bonds for good behaviour, no more talk from the heart But the people had spoken; Peterloo sacrifice For liberty and justice; those who gave of their life Car Parks Cars are getting bigger,spaces very small Cramming all together, car parks become a brawl Sometimes when you get to your car, there's no way in the door In the bay next door to you, is parked a four by four Passenger door can just slide in, then you have a climb Over console and gear stick, this can take sometime Foot gets stuck or caught on knob, trousers take a tier All this grief because some folk, really they don't care But then there's a time other car users, you could really shoot So closely park beside you, your entry through the boot Car park designers stop making small bays; our need to open the door Us folk are sick, of your minimal space, Minis aren't mini no more

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Julian (Admin)

Mon 10th Dec 2012 11:30

excellent reportage from the Broadhurst family Christmas Paul. Good hear from you and to have seen you at the poetry jam. Keep up the good work!

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Dominic Berry

Tue 25th Aug 2009 10:21

excellent work at Inside Out man. I was thoroughly entertained throughout. I can't believe you say you don't read often yet you had such a relaxed and easy vibe on stage- very charismatic and hugely enjoyable. Please let me know when your reading round Manchester way next, your stuff is brilliant and it was a joy to watch you perform. well done fella


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