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Updated: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 06:58 pm

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I'm peter I write for my mental illness as i'm a shy poet who writes about most subjects most of my work can be viewed on I published my first book called with the joys of love, laughter and smile out plus I've more work


DEPRESSION Depression you and me where not alone who suffer with the mental illness in the world where not alone or to be ashamed about depression. There are thousands upon thousands of people in the world who suffer with the mental illness depression and not alone or to be ashamed to say that we suffer with depression. Please feel free to talk about your illness to your friends, loved ones plus people who care about you and your support workers And one day they can be just like you and me and suffer with the illness known as depression. We know and we know we can't ben ever the same as you. As we suffer from day to day, day in day out morning, noon, nights week in week out 24/7 with the illness. known as depression. We would like to be normal but we are to ill to do all our daily routines which we cannot be help with our illness but with a little tender love, care and attention from friends, family and loved ones we can just be as happy with a little love, tenderness all because we are unwell and we all suffer with some form of depression sometime in our lives. Peter Goodwin 2015

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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