Phil Smith
Updated: Wed, 23 May 2012 03:29 pm
Started writing late. Should write more.
CRAZY CLICHE ( 238 words incl. ) Phil Smith How goes it, baby; your man done you wrong? Sure put you in a corner. At the end of the day you must have seen it coming. The darkest hour is just before the yawn, right. Speak to the hand, he pulls all the levers, but don’t tell me about the powers that be; they work a stacked deck behind closed doors. Stuck between floors? That’s a bad place. You need what we all need; direction. Let go catch the next three buses that come along. Yea, the same old song; you got it baby. You’re in for the long ride, but the short ones sugar the pill. Over the hill? Not you, baby. Many a hot number played on a burnin’ fiddle; ask the hero. Burning bridges is one thing; burning love is another. Old flames can get too hot and leave scars; tears for souvenirs. Fallen angels do okay sometimes. They cry, but you don’t hear. They feel, but you don’t know. They hurt, but they stay hurt. Like momma once said; ‘you’ll know when you’re dead how you done.’ Who wants to wait that long, baby? The one that blinks first loses; the gambling man knows. He’s crying but he won’t blink. He’ll high roll with paper chips for confetti. He’ll roll over for the steamroller. Don’t call my bluff, baby. Your man done gone.
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Ann Foxglove
Tue 5th Jun 2012 14:06
Hi Phil - welcome to WOL. I enjoyed your piece of work here - why not try posting a poem in the blog section? More people will read work that is put on there.