The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Poet's Corner

Updated: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 10:03 pm

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Poets Corner is a brand new poetry night set in Hoylake's stunning Glassfire venue (see photos). We run 3rd Tuesday of every month starting at 8pm. We have open mic poetry with a cash prize up for grabs!!! £50for the poem/poet that captures the Guest Poet's eye. There will be some great music on the night to gel everything together. Poets Corner can be a vibrant night for first time and veteran poets alike. Musicians are welcome to join us, with a few bookable first come first served reserved spots. A special effort is made to accommodate far travelling poets, if you want to perform and make that late night train or journey into the unknown (we can get you on at a time to suit you). - Everyone on the night gets to perform - A fantastic audience, - Raffles with great prizes including wine (proceeds in support of Claire House, childrens charity) - Warm welcome guaranteed. ( Right by Hoylake Station)...bring a friend!! Compering the night...... the wonderful Graham Robinson and Stella Jones

What we do

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (9824)

Thu 15th Mar 2012 15:03

All Poets and Readers and Regulars at Poets Corner..please note the following:

1. My lovely friend Stella Jones will no longer be my Co-Host at PC as she is doing a degree at University!
2. The Guest Poet award is reduced to £30 (due to continuing economic conditions) with effect from 20th March.

The Good News is that this Tuesday 20th March our Guest Poet is the Phenomenal - Judy Ugonna and our Guest Musicians are the fantastic trio 'Acoustak' from Cheshire who play rock/indie/folk/pop..see you there!

My Bests - Graham Robinson (Poet/Author/MC that's Me)

<Deleted User> (7075)

Tue 25th Oct 2011 21:58

Hi There Poet's Corner, Welcome to WOL

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Poets Corner

Mon 24th Oct 2011 19:04

Poets Corner at Glassfire -Hoylake Ch47 2AG...
'Where the most notable poem will earn a cash award from the Guest Poet on the Night'...

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