The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Priyanka Joshi

Updated: Sun, 3 Feb 2019 06:52 am

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I have been writing poetry since childhood, but only since the birth of my daughters have I been able to find suitable inspiration and drive to develop my craft, perhaps it’s the gift of motherhood, or the effect of sleep deprivation! I’m have recently dipped my toe in the open mic pond, which I found is a fantastic way of getting immediate feedback and critique on my work, invaluable in helping me grow, I look forward to doing more in the near future!


The healing power of her loving embrace, and the stillness it brings to my inner tempest. The soothing coolness that washes over my heart, in calming harbour of her soft little arms. How much I revere the power of her touch. My Felicity. My Paradise. My Zion.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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