Updated: Mon, 1 Jun 2020 07:22 pm
poet QUEEN_17
Erasing the unwanted
It might be a story,but you were never sorry I don't want you to worry,but trust me it made me weary. I know you are already suspicious,but as usual,it is never too serious.I know you are very curious,what if I told you I never cured?Or maybe everything that lured me back then turned to forgotten memories,fake promises,empty wishes which left me with pieces that not even gold could make whole again? I'm not certain you intended to leave a hole inside there,but did you even care? The selfishness,greed,covetousness,self-centeredness would best define you. Maybe you had no idea that I would be fine after all,but never to be the same again at all. Of course I was insane when the tyre hit the road,but did you think the journey never continued?I know you are wondering how could I even control the steering with all the tears in my eyes,the pain at heart,memories overwhelming my mind,the pain of losing you..surprisingly,there is this one thing you are forgetting;Time heals such things if not everything. Actually,the assurance of 'it is well' kept me moving,pushing it harder though full of vengeance as if retribution it was. But was I even to be forfeited or awarded?Maybe I did the right thing but time itself,it was never right. Or maybe I just was not the right one for you,I wish you made it clear to me from the word go and, 'go' would have served me the least because running would have been the best exact thing for me to do at that very minute,but every big thing from you is now so minute to me not to mention you included. So,it is now clear to me that everything buried is well forgotten since all the memories faded and never to ever reappear. You are now a book written,stored in a library with all it's shelves covered in dust but atleast I went through you to the last written page. But I can attest you were not easily readable but I struggled my way out carrying lessons with me. After all,you are not just a story but one never to re-read,you are just like an onion....Your products work the same.
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