Redde Michaels is a mid-life crisis student at SNHU pursuing her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing and English. Raised on highway radio as a nomadic hermit, she currently hides in her urban cottage while playing semantics with her mind. Her poems “Lost Memories” and “No Time Like the Present” have been incorporated into Factory Obscura’s immersive experience. With In Parentheses and Dipity magazines, she has published “Starfield” and “The Call of the Void”.
The Call of the Void (published by Dipity)
On the edge of the earth It beckons still – the fossil of my rage a contorted tree of glass – rooted reaching
No Time Like the Present (found in Factory Obscura)
I wish to hold the stars to their promises
Lost Memories (found in Factory Obscura)
they leak through my hands sand on the wind as I try to bottle the remains.
Starfield (published by In Parentheses)
Where did you go, or can you not say? The cicadas now know you better than I may ever, but at least I will always find you in their song. And in the fading flash of molten lightning, winking secrets from the trees in my city’s penumbra.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
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