The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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R. L. Fitzpatrick

Updated: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:58 pm

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I'm interested in writing, as it comes with ease, the words of a poet, meant to appease, whether meaning to inspire, or entrench with fear, I feel like writing, at least this year. It came as a knack, just to pass time, but yes it does soothe me, each little rhyme. I know not what I say, just that I do, perhaps a few of my words, will inspire you. Im 26, and a security architect, well off I am, with my little paycheck. It pays my bills, and keeps lights on, but life is too short, one day we're gone. So before I leave, and bid the adieu, I have a few words, to share with you. Don't be frightened, for in fear we grow, we muster up courage, and then we just go. We look back amazed, why was I scared? Was it the task at hand, or just unprepared? Was it my self-conscious, second guessing me again? I had nothing to lose, but everything to win. Don't hold yourself back, when greatness resides, who do you answer to, only yourself besides, maybe your responsible, for a life or two, but accept that you're great, you little great you!


I am a Leo, loyal and proud, I am a Leo, loving and loud. To win my heart, understand my mind. For that is the riddle, for the test of time. The Leo is known, to be stubborn and loud, But less than known, is my love of the crowd. I shine like a star, and want only the best, life is my challenge, and I will ace this test. I need affirmation, so that I stay true, So if you love a Leo, say I love you. My ears will perk, and my eyes will shine, I will smile wide, and call you mine. Territorial I am, and I love with a passion, and this little Leo, is a little old fashion. I like my woman, to be a woman of class, Who doesn’t mind it, when I pat her ass. I am hers, loyal to the death, Loving her forever, with every last breath. But remember this, and proceed with care, Try to hurt me, and I don’t fight fair. I don’t like to fight, but I fight to win, Try and cross me, and heads will spin. My roar is loud, and my fangs will show, My claws will extend, and it’s time to go. I won’t back down, and I can’t be stopped, Until there is no more, and the threat is dropped. But this same fierceness, is at your back, And a moment’s notice, I am on the attack. I won’t see you hurt, because I call you mine. I will defend my love, an opportunity to shine. After my win, give me a pat on the head, Take my hand, and take me to bed. Make me feel like a man, and show me you care, Be weak in my arms, and don’t fight fair. Bite your lip, entice my brain, show me I’m strong, and you enjoy pain. Play with my mind, activate my imagination, show me your pleasure, for it’s my stimulation. This is my mind, it’s a beautiful place, It’s where I reside, behind my beautiful face. Understand my mind, and you’ll understand me, and show me your love, and you’ll set me free. I cannot be controlled, and I can’t be chained, I must be free, that can’t be changed. But as I prowl, whatever the season, I will love you always, for no other reason, You set me free, and I do as I please, for trusting in me, let me put you at ease. What I want is joy, and for you to smile, So trust me always, and stay a while. I will light up your life, and show you my love, This loyal lion, is gift from above. I am a Leo, proud and true, Forever and always, I promise you.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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