The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Ruby Blue

Updated: Thu, 26 May 2016 06:00 am

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LOST ANGEL. Born and Raised in Los Angeles, searching for soul, and finding lost love. I write only from experience. My thoughts and emotions spill out of my mind onto the paper to shine. I hope to inspire and connect with other artists. Inspired by Khalil Gibran and Pablo Neruda to name a few. Love always wins.


// YOU DON'T ACTUALLY WANT ME // Don’t you, don’t you see, you don’t actually want me. You don’t want compulsive thoughts and emotional drops. You don’t want a green mind, You just want to save the day. You just want to get in your own way. If you tried to live inside the walls of my realms, you wouldn’t last. I am intense and full. I am kind, I don’t pull. A flower child at heart with a few city scars. Loving me, and life with me, are held separately. I was selfishly stealing your time, with no intention of making you mine. Don’t you, don’t you see, you don’t actually want me. // DRIPPING // The sound of your name, drips off the tip of my tongue with such distain from all the games being played. And like a bad song, I can't help but sing along. // BITTER // I'm sorry darling, this might sound bitter, but she can have you. My story is bigger. // DESPERATE FLIGHT // It's wild when you really think about it. One day, you are who you are. You walk from your house to your car, and all your experiences are on your shoulders. Then one day you wake up thinking its all going to be the same, until someone new learns your name. The world stops when he decides your lips look like cherries in the sky, and he desperately wants to fly. // BROKEN // I threw myself at you, but you could not catch me. I forgotten I had already broken your hands. SERIES OF SMALL SHORT POEMS: // It kills my body, that you are the only body, I have lately felt. // I am wrapped around your limbs like my life depends on this. // You made me feel how breaking points are real. // Your heart is like a burning knife. You hit my chest flame first each time. // Swimming in your eyes that resemble the sea, I can see you drowning in me. // I never planned a word. It's just what my heart heard. // Love is a war. I pray every night I won't get drafted. // I gave u so much space you had the moon.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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