The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Samantha Kay Freeman

Updated: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 11:39 pm

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I have been writing poetry since I was in the sixth grade, and I write what I feel. I do it for myself, but if others find appreciation and recognition in what I write, I would love that. I appreciate all criticism as it only helps me on my journey.


"Next time you do that I'm gonna bust you, Bust you right in the face!" A hand reared back, To take another swipe: A stinging backhanded slap. "You stupid, idiot! You worthless piece of crap, I don't know why I put up with you!" "You do what I tell you, When I tell you, Or I will beat you until you're black and blue!" Tear filled eyes, Bloody lip, Broken heart- "Yes, Mama"....

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Stan Duncan

Tue 18th Oct 2016 16:14

Loved the poem
It has authenticity, honesty and familiarity and a sadness

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